Kizuna Ai will be at the event VILLS and てぇてぇTV

There is a virtual unit festival on March 31st at Tokyo and Nagoya and BS Nippon TV announced that #1 Japanese virtual youtuber Kizuna Ai will be at the event. The name of the project is “スーパーAIを予測せよ!クイズ・キズナアイ” and it’s backstage project.

In this project, basically Kizuna Ai will be tested Kanji questions and pranks on VTR and panelist will be guess and answer the reactions.

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【Kizuna Ai】 is a Japanese virtual YouTuber and self-proclaimed artificial intelligence. As of 2019, she operates three YouTube channels, “A.I.Channel”, “A.I.Games”, and “A.I.Channel China.” Kizuna claims to be the world’s first Virtual YouTuber, though the first channel to use a CG avatar for vlogging purposes on YouTube was the channel of English-Japanese Ami Yamato, who debuted her first video on 2011.

Also on the official TV show website, they will be seeking questions from audiences  that they will actually ask to the virtual characters.

・TV show name:てぇてぇTV(TeeTee TV)
・Cast:Kizuna Ai and more
・Broadcast:BS Japan TV
・On air date:Friday 11:30pm – 12am
・Re-air available on:TVer、Japan TV free、GYAO!
・Re air available from Friday 12am for a week
・Official tv show website:

・Name of the event:「VILLS」
・Date:March 31st, Saturday 12pm (might change)
*Tokyo and Nagoya happening at the same time
・Ticket available from:2020, February 14th, Friday at 7pm –  on
・Place:Tokyo:NTV hall(Shiodome:Inside of NTV)
Nagoya:Plaza C(Sasashima live:Inside of ChukyoTV)
・Details:【First part】entertainment stage 【Second part】Music stage
【First part】Entertainment stage(MC:大蔦エル、ボヤッキー)
電脳少女シロ (SHIRO) &アイドル部(電脳少女シロ、もこ田めめめ、ヤマトイオリ)、
【Second part】Music stage
電脳少女シロ (SHIRO) &アイドル部(電脳少女シロ、もこ田めめめ、ヤマトイオリ)、
PALETTE PROJECT SPユニット(暁月クララ、遠坂ユラ、常磐カナメ、雨ヶ崎笑虹、江波キョウカ)、
REALITY SP「KoNoITo」(式部めぐり、インサイドちゃんMarlk1)、
・Official website:

Vtuber ( Virtual Youtuber) Office 「Animel Studio」

Not only we give you production and operation,
but we also support your character to get proposals and collaborative videos many years ahead.