Virtual market 2: cloud funding

Virtual market 2 will be held on March 8-10 and they will start cloud funding on CAMPFIRE from the 8th of February.

So what is virtual market?

Virtual market is VR exhibition for 3D avatar and people can “try it on” 3D avatar or model in VR space. The original proposer was 動く城のフィオ and it was held last year on August.

The purpose of this event is to “develop more VR space and enrich it”.

There was only 80 space in the event before, but this time they have 400 space so they’re expanding more and more every year.



Vtuber ( Virtual Youtuber) Office 「Animel Studio」

Not only we give you production and operation,
but we also support your character to get proposals and collaborative videos many years ahead.