Takehana Note is a illustrator and virtual youtuber. She is “babiniku (バ美肉)” which means the charactor looks like a girl but the voice and the person who is inside is a guy.
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And recently she started a new project to upgrade to be 3D character and started cloud funding. There are few options for people to fund, and the most expensive option which is $10,000 was sold out right after she started this project.
The most expensive option is available for $10,000 and the special gift for those who purchased this option is virtual breastfeeding from Takehana Note.. I mean not from her breast but from virtual feeding bottle.. I mean still.. here comes Japanese weird culture..
This was her team’s idea and she wasn’t agreed at first but she finally did for $10,000 and only for one person. And she sold this one exclusive option less than 30 minutes.
She tweeted “no way… I didn’t expected to sold this fast!
People on the internet are freaking out to find out who bought this.
So the whole point of this project for her to turn into 3D character from 2D is to expand her career as a virtual youtuber and to communicate with fans more realistically.
The goal is $30,000 and you can invest as small as $30. As of right now, she already gathered $25,000 but this project will be available till at the end of May.