Weekly vtuber ranking【4/1-4/7】-view count-

Welcome to weekly vtuber ranking. We’ll introduce weekly vtuber ranking by looking at view count! Number one gets our favorite gaming club channel, guess who? Let’s take a look at Top 10 view count ranking from April 1st to 7th!

#10 Sasaki Saku

View count: 12,8144

Date published: 4/1

#9 Takamiya Rion 

View count: 13,2833

Date published: 4/1

#8 Tsukino Mito

View count: 13,5381

Date published: 4/4

#7 Paka Tube

View count: 17,2638

Date published: 4/1

#6 A.I. Channel

View count: 19,2548

Date published: 4/5

#5 Oda Nobuhime

View count: 26,4626

Date published: 4/5

#4 3年0組】郡道美玲の教室

View count: 29,7401

Date published: 4/3

#3 Kaguya Luna

View count: 31,0392

Date published: 4/2

#2 【世界初?!】男性バーチャルYouTuber ばあちゃる

View count: 32,4251

Date published: 4/1

👑#1 Gaming club project

View count: 45,2911

Date published: 4/3


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