Top 10 new vtuber ranking as of 4/20

#10 Nekomata Okayu

Total subscribers: 21,376

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +777

Total view count: 236,478

#9 Seto Miyako

Total subscribers: 22,377

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +48

Total view count:374,303

#8 Oto Ruka

Total subscribers: 22,377

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +48

Total view count:374,303

#7 Nachoco

Total subscribers: 23,648

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +90

Total view count:435,206

#6 Kataribe Tsumugu

Total subscribers: 23,901

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +4

Total view count:144,356

#5 Manami Aizono

Total subscribers: 26,095

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +166

Total view count:399,209

#4 Inui Toko

Total subscribers: 41,844

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +262

Total view count:722,519

#3 Ange Kartina

Total subscribers: 42,323

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +480

Total view count:935,215

#2 Lize Helesta

Total subscribers: 43,530

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +580

Total view count:857,852

#1 Towa Kiseki

Total subscribers: 70,877

Number of subscribers gained recently:  +59

Total view count:702,667

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