The world’s first virtual “Johnny’s” (Japanese boy’s idol agency: ジャニーズ) idol group Kaido Asuka and Ichigoya Kanata announced that they are finally releasing first original songs.
Sound producer is creator unit called HoneyWorks and visual producer is Yamako from HoneyWorks.
Asuka and Kanata is asking their Twitter followers to draw illustration to celebrate their first release. Check out their tweet below
遂に明日10/7(月) 21:30より「あすかな楽曲・MV初解禁スペシャル!」を同時ラジオ配信にてお送り致します!!
そして明日の配信に向けて、あすかなの2人をお祝いするイラストを大募集いたします💕#あすかなアート をつけて投稿してください🎨
(推奨サイズは1280×720ピクセルとなります)— あすかなプロジェクト【公式】 (@ascana_project) October 6, 2019
And this virtual “Johnny’s” project is collaboration of Japanese boy’s idol agency “Johonny’s Inc” and live stream platform “SHOWROOM inc”. The world’s first virtual boy’s unit started their career on February this year and they are growing their career mainly on SHOWROOM to do live streaming.
— バーチャルジャニーズプロジェクト公式 (@vjpofficial) October 6, 2019